We had to walk 2km in order to make it to the public beach, which was way more crowded than all the private ones. When we tried to sit at the private ones multiple times the lifeguards made sure we knew we weren’t allowed to. But we did find a crab on the beach and got to play with him, which was really cool.
He was a little wounded, but we saved him and put him back into the water! |
We spent all day tanning and playing in the waves and water. At one point we saw a group of guys tossing each other into the air and decided to join in on the fun. Annie and I asked if they could throw us and it was so much fun flipping through the air! Annie, on the other hand, went once, smacked her back on a back flop and decided she’d had enough fun for the time being.
All in all it was a great day at the beach!